Anjee in South Africa... :-)

Publié le par Lily Balinesis





When Jenni posted these pictures on FB I told her I had to stole and share them here :-D

Anjee is so funny, such a little character and a self-confident little girl from the start! She's not afraid of much, and she's always so busy...


I'm glad Jenni says she's "a breath of fresh air in the house" ;-))))


So now let's see how well I bring my kittens up :P ......





"It wasn't me I swear!"





Love pictures like this one, "caught in the moment photos" ;)


(pictures courtesy of Jenni Ferreira, South Africa)



I still can't believe Anjee made a so long trip and that it's been months since she moved to South Africa!!!


Thank you Jenni for loving her so much and for all the pics & news you send of your "naughty" tortie ;-)







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