Fifé show in Munich (Germany) last week-end - August, 20th-21rst 2011

Publié le par Lily




Galvin after his first BIS on Saturday, and his buddy Vurdalak:)



I went to a Fifé show last week-end in Munich, Germany with three of my kittens: Galvin Klein (siamese red tabby point), Galenka (siamese variant seal tabby point) and also Vurdalak (balinese seal point) our new boy (read more about him in this article)!


I am very proud to announce that Galvin won the Best in Show in the kitten class (3-6 months) on both days.


On Saturday Galvin was against a seal point kitten and a very nice young black OSH who also happens to be his half sister (same father: Okonor Timur) and who is owned by Dr Ruth Ardnt (the breeder of Elite - cattery Calenacat's).

Galvin won the BIS with 2 votes out of 3 (Alfred Wittich, Angelika Kneifel) - the third judge (Waltraut Sattler) voted for the black OSH.

On Sunday there was a Special siamese but not so many competitors. I was very glad that my three kittens were nominated for the BIS with also another blue kitten. Galvin again won against his buddies with 3 votes out of 4 -(Louis Coste, Fabrice Calmès, Angelika Kneifel) - the fourth judge (Waltraut Sattler) voted for the blue kitten that Angelika Kneifel had nominated.

On Sunday there were also another judge (Helen Reiter) who was a parallel judge so she judged my kittens were judged a second time.




Galenka and Galvin - not stressed at all :)



The judges liked all our kittens a lot, they all are very different with different qualities and types.

Vurdalak is a classic balinese cat with a very nice profile, and very nice coat (texture, lenght) and very nice points with a beautiful contrast. He's also a big boy and I am looking forward to seeing his further development!




Vurdalak and Galvin




Vurdalak's profile



Vurdalak, enjoying the show

Galenka has the "lion" expression, with a very large triangle and a beautiful head, and nice set and wide ears. She's a promising little variant girl, I hope to have balinese kittens with her next year! And she's so special for she is my little survivor from a very difficult litter... She makes me so proud!




"Little" Galenka, so grown up and beautiful!





"I'm not happy, I want to be on mommy's lap, not in this cage!!"



Galenka's nice profile



As for Galvin, well he's just so "wunderschön" like I heard so many times during the show. However the judges even if they liked him had to write down that his ears are a bit "out of the standard" as they are a bit too low-set  and floating... anyway he's the type of cats WE love! Visitors were laughing so much when looking at his ears because it's true and we have to admitt he looks like a little alien ;-)




Galvin, thinking... His nose was a bit hurt because in the car he wasn't happy to be stuck in a box and tried and pushed with his nose to get out before realising he was wasting his time... The trip was so long for all of us!




Galvin, always eating or resting/sleeping!! Very relaxed...




Ain't I cute? ;-)


I hadn't shown our cats for a long time since the World Show in St. Etienne last year so it was quite exciting to go to a show again. What's more it was my first show in Germany and hopefully for me German people speak very good English:) I'm a bit ashamed I have never practised my German because I learned this language at school and was pretty good at it (yes "was"...).


I was very happy to meet some people who had contacted us before because they had visited our blog and had fallen in love with our cats.

I would like to say thank you especially to Gloria and Mariella. Hello there if you're reading this article!! It was really amazing to finally meet you in real. I hope that we'll stay in touch!! (Mariella don't be shy and feel free to write to me!)


I also thank the organizers of the show and all the judges, it was a great show with nice people and nice cats, and I was impressed by the organization and could be back home yesterday quite early (the show finished aroung 5 or 5.30p.m. in this afternoon!), little after midnight. And the cats are thrilled they went home with so many gifts!!




Our cats' prizes

Besides Angelika Kneifel (Kiddy's breeder - cattery of Noah's Ark) was judging so it was funny to see her as a judge, not only as a breeder and friend :-)

I also met there again Anne, a friend of Angelika, who is also breeding Maine Coons, and lots of other nice people.





Angelika judging a cat with Anne as stewart





The "uniform" fitted Anne so well ;-)




Thank you Anne for presenting Galvin so well for the BIS on Sunday!


On Saturday evening I went to a barbecue with Angelika, Anne, the judges and other exhibitors from the show and we spent a very nice evening talking about cats, eating loads of food (yummy!) and drinking (as for me, only water as I don't drink alcohol!)...

I am looking forward to the next show now!!


Anyway Galvin, Galenka and Vurdalak can attend the World Show as they got their qualifications... I'll see who I'll go with!



Publié dans Some cat shows

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