Kittens are now twice vaccinated and almost ready to go!

Publié le par Lily Balinesis










Harvey and Hope, very curious at the vet



Fasty's kittens were 3 months yesterday, and I went to the vet with my six kittens (Hedie - now "Aïcha" - was vaccinated a week ago, Maggy took her to her vet) and their mummies this morning to have them vaccinated again against leukemia, typhus & coryza + rabies (except Fasty and Hayleigh because their new owners asked me not to do the rabies shot). All went well and Hayleigh doesn't seem to have noticed that surgery was performed on her yesterday!


Harry was a little bit worried, you can see his eyes wide open while he was at the vet!






His new parents are fetching him on Saturday, I'm gonna miss my sweet bali baby boy a lot...




Hayden Rose (her new mummy chooses to name her "Anjee")

Holly--2-.jpgHolly Moon


Both girls are staying here until the beginning of August:-)



Harvey--3-.jpgHarvey's and his beautiful eyes and lovely earset!

He stays with me and Hope for the moment


Fasty--2-.jpgFasty, my sweet choc tortie girl, leaves in about one week with her adopted daughter (actually her half-sister) Hayleigh Lujah (renamed Osannah by her new parents)




Kiddy, my lovely foundation queen :-)


Publié dans Kittens

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