Some pictures of ''Pomme'', Vinou's (variant) sister

Publié le par Lily




The easter rabbit at the back is "Lieutenant Quenotte"

Yes I do collect cuddly toys & teddy bears and give them (stupid) names!

"Hi I'm Lily and I am a 6-year old ;-)"




It is a pity that stunning Galvin Klein can't be into the Balinese breeding programme but quite hopefully I still have his sister Golden Apple ("Pomme") to continue with the same lines :-) And as Pomme is a variant girl, she would certainly add to the breed. 


By the way I will have Galvin's heart checked one last time by ultrasound before the surgeon neuters him next Monday.


Pomme like all her siblings is now one year old and she has developped into a young and beautiful lady.

I am looking forward to raising her first litter later in the year...










I love torties!

Publié dans Breeding cats

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Wow, they are so cute.. :) It's like I want to have them too..